I’m currently in the process of updating this site. My previous hosting service changed hands a few years ago and the site went down soon after. And after several months of calling the new hosting service and waiting for them to fix it, I decided to change hosts without being able to backup the site. I’ve put up a previous backup from about 7 years ago and am now updating it when I can. Hoping to have the site updated by the start of the next semester 🙂


Thanks to the @philamoca for making sure my #josephmerrick body pillow got a hearty spooning at the opening of #eraserhoodforever

A post shared by Andrew Salomone (@saladmoneysmixedgreens) on

October 16, 2017
High School Zoetrope Workshop

A post shared by Andrew Salomone (@saladmoneysmixedgreens) on

I recently gave a felt zoetrope (which double as turntable slip mats) workshop to students a West Irondequoit High School and was really impressed with the results!

Talk at Visual Studies Workshop

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I’ll be talking about what I’ve been up to in the project space at Visual Studies Workshop over the past month.

Working in the project space at @visualstudiesworkshop this month! ?

A photo posted by Andrew Salomone (@saladmoneysmixedgreens) on

February 7, 2017

A video posted by Andrew Salomone (@saladmoneysmixedgreens) on

February 5, 2017

A video posted by Andrew Salomone (@saladmoneysmixedgreens) on

December 8, 2016
Jack O’Lantern Zoetrope

My Jack O’Lantern Zoetrope tutorial is up at Makezine.com!

Identity-Preserving Balaclava at The International Spy Museum



ism_fullAll photos courtesy of Dan Treado.

One of my Identity-Preserving Balaclavas is now in the permanent collection of The International Spy Museum in Washington D.C. and currently on display!

Snapchat Sleep Mask

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Snapchat Sleep Mask, Fabric remnants, Thread, Fabric glue

Image-Crafting Hazmat Suit
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A suit designed to help the wearer navigate the perils of “image-crafting” on social media.